
Cigars and Trout

#16 Frenchie The West Branch Ausable River has been fishing very good. Good hatches of Hendrickson's, March Browns and Caddis have been coming off. This weekend we jumped around covering a lot of water tight line nymphing and it was very productive using Frenchies on the top fly and constantly changing the anchor fly, but 90% of our fish were on the Frenchie. The Douglaston Salmon Run recently stocked 500 trout from 8" to 20" down the run. Fishing for these fish is a great opportunity to learn the water at summer flows (185 cfs) for the upcoming fall season. Brown trout and smallmouth bass are a blast to catch on light tackle. If your looking to book a trip, now is the time, give me a call (518) 495-2965. .

Trout Time

   We will being doing guided fly fishing trips on the Ausable, Battenkill, Kinderhook and also trips on Central NY streams including the Douglaston Salmon Run section of the Salmon River. Whether you enjoy casting dry flies to feeding trout or would rather euro nymph (tightline) fish, we can accommodate you.  Give me a call or shoot me a e-mail to discuss a trip.                                                                                              Rates One angler - Half Day $225, Full Day $325 Two anglers - Half Day $300, Full Day $400 Tackle and flies provided.    

Spring Steelhead

                                                                     Spring has sprung on the Salmon River. Fishing is picking up on the Salmon River, with the mild winter things are a little a head of schedule this year. The hatchery took eggs last week and we are seeing good numbers of dropbacks down river. I have a couple of days still open in April if you are looking to get in on the action this Spring.   

By |March 21st, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Think Trout

The calendar may say February but it feels like Spring and that means trout fishing. We will being doing trips on the Ausable in the ADK's along with trips on central NY streams. Give me a call or shoot me a e-mail to book your trip.                                                                                                             

Salmon Season

The Salmon run on the Salmon River is off to a slower start then what everyone had hoped for this fall. So far we have not seen a big run, everyday its a steady trickle to small pods coming thru the Douglaston Salmon Run section of the river.  As you can see by Jay's smile it only takes a few in the net to make it all worth it. Still looking for last minute dates?? I only have the Friday October 2nd open due to a cancellation for Salmon. I do have a couple of other guides with a few dates left, don't wait to get in this years run. For the latest reports and pictures make to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  

Who’s Ready??

Who's ready for the coho run?? Will you time it right when they decide to run? Interested in booking a trip it's not to late, I had Sept 19 and Oct 2 open up due to cancellations, also I have a few afternoon dates open as well.  I have a couple of guides who I work closely with that have a few days open too. Give me a call or email me to discuss a trip and we'll get you hooked up. Just in (9/15) - One of the DSR river patrollers just reported that he saw at least 100 Coho and King down in the Estuary at the lower property line.

Salmon Season

Salmon season is just around the corner. Hopefully we should see a good run based on statistics and hope mother nature is in our favor this fall. A good source was fishing in the Douglaston Salmon Run Sunday and saw a few salmon moving thru. Could we have another year with a early run? If you haven't booked your dates now is the time, I have only a few days open but I have a couple of other guides working for me that may have it open. Paul

Trout Fishing Report

I was up on the Ausable River in Wilmington over the past week and the fishing was great, plenty of hatches coming off for the dry fly angler from mid day on and nymphing was good all day. Here are my clients tight line nymphing thru some very productive pocket water on the Ausable.  A #16 Frenchie and #8 Rubber Leg Stone Fly are a great set up on the Ausable, this nice Brown got fooled by the frenchie. I have limited dates left for trout fishing trips, if you would like to book one give me a call or click on the contact tab to e-mail me.  

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