
18 Mile Creek (Burt Dam) Warning Issued over contamination

LOCKPORT, N.Y. (WIVB) – A new public health assessment from the New York State Department of Health warns people to stay away from the soil and sediment near Eighteen mile Creek in Niagara County. Experts say touching and handling the soil around the creek could harm people’s health. The report also offers a stern message for fishermen to avoid eating any fish from the creek. Learn more - Read the state's report    

Fish ID – Take A Few Seconds To Know

  Is it a Brown Trout or Atlantic??? This is always a topic of discussion on the fishing forum's and social media . Since the fall run is quickly approaching, here is a ID Chart from Sea Grant to help you identify them. To see the full ID chart from Sea Grant, click here.

This Season Is A Wrap!

This season is a wrap and what a great season it was. The Salmon run started out early in August and was incredible all the way thru October with some really big kings! Steelhead season started off with a bang too and continued right thru the fall. Those early fish in the DSR made for some great takes for my clients swinging flies. Winter fishing was good if you wanted to do battle with Old Man Winter - Me, I must be getting older, I can't take those really cold days anymore. With the long winter came a extended spring season and as I type this there is still plenty of fish to be caught in the river. We saw some insane numbers come to the net and anyway you wanted to catch them. To top it all off I had Great clients/Friends, so what more could a guide ask for!! Looking forward to seeing everyone this coming season! Just think Salmon Season is only 3 1/2 months away!!! Tight Lines, Paul    

Swinging – It Doesn’t Get Any Better

Francois and Sylvain hit it right this time for their annual spring trip to the Salmon River after we had to reschedule due to the river running at 5000cfs. Swinging flies high in the water column was just what they wanted to do and they did. I will let the smiles tell the rest of the story.     Looking forward to seeing you guys next season!

Big Water

    High water on all tribs continues as daytime temperatures continue to be in the mid 70's for Monday. The runoff will slow down a little Tuesday night as the the night time low is going to be in the low 20's, but then back to spring like the rest of the week. Brown trout fishing on the lake has been really good along the Lake Ontario shoreline. I have May 4 open as well as May 10th for Steelhead trips. Give me a call 315-298-3949 or click here to book a trip.

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