
March 27, 2014

Winter Fishing

By |March 10th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

    Mother Nature sure is putting a beating on everyone in the East this year, heavy snow fall, way too many days below zero has everyone with a little cabin fever. The forecast is calling above freezing temperatures.  As of the time I'm writing this the river is running low at 285cfs and rumors the reservoir is down 6 feet, on the plus side Redfield (Where the reservoir is located) has had over 300" of snow this season, so it won’t be long and we should see some good flows.  Access to the river right now is pretty tough unless your near a parking lot or a bridge, the snowpack is about 2 ½’ to 3’ deep if you plan on blazing a trail anywhere.   Paul

January 29, 2014

Wonderful Thing About Being A Guide

By |January 29th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

Matthew came from Austria to swing flies on the Salmon River   One thing I love about guiding is you get to meet people from all over the world.  Matt came from Austria to go swing some flies on the Salmon River.  The weather was brutal, single digits, snowing sideways most of the day, just typical Great Lakes winter steelhead fishing.  Also not the best weather to be trying to tempt a steelhead to chase down a swung fly.  After a couple of very light plucks this steelhead hit on the strip in, pretty cool grab to say the least.  Matt an I shared and compared fishing stories and talked about trout fishing over there and the cost.  Most trout streams are private and you need to belong to a club to fish them for a pretty penny. A reminder not to take for granted what we have here in New York.

December 9, 2013

Recent Testimonial

By |December 9th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

My buddy and I are fly anglers; we have been coming to the Salmon River for the past five years, and we’ve had awful luck.  On year two, we booked a guide, and had a terrible experience.  We did not get the person we thought we were booking with; camped out the entire day in the upper fly zone, and hammered the same run all day.  So, we were skeptical when we decided to give a guide another try.  After doing some research, I gave Paul a call, and after getting off the phone, I was optimistic that this was going to be a much better experience.  I’m happy to say it was, and that Paul is a superb guide. We fished with Paul on November 22, 2013.  He is a friendly, relaxed, and professional fishing guide. His knowledge of fly fishing for steelhead, and of the river, is incredibly impressive.  His gear, flies, and equipment are all excellent.  He brought along some switch rods that were strung up Skagit style, showed us some spey techniques, and we played around with them for a bit, which was fun; Paul is also an expert spey fisherman.  However, what struck me most was how hard Paul works; he is absolutely determined to get you into fish.  After five years of steelhead despair, we finally got it done.  This would not have been possible without Paul, and I would not hesitate to use him again, or to recommend him to anybody making a trip up to the Salmon River. Jim M. New York, NY  

November 11, 2013

Rio Switch Chucker

By |November 11th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

 Switch Rods are a big part of a steelheader’s arsenal on the Salmon River for indicator fishing and swinging flies.  While most try to do both with one line, its been pretty tough to cast a indicator rig and then cast a sink tip and heavy tip and a decent size fly with one line.  Rio came out with the solution, “Switch Chucker”.  The 7 weight line weighs in at 465 gr, the head is 25′  followed by a 14′ handling section then 61′ running line.  I have it set up on a two TFO 7110-4 with Ross CLA 5′s and it will throw a indicator and shot 60′+ with ease.  Then you can loop on a 10′ section of T-8 and it cast’s 60′- 70′.  The perfect line for the switch rod owner who likes to do both.

September 16, 2013

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